Our Philosophy
Research has proven that children when engaged with science early on can develop a lifelong passion for it .We believe that there are no right or wrong answers. Every science and Engineering problem has many possible solutions and multiple ways to reach them. Whats important at the end of each experience is not the success or failure of the project but the thinking process that brings you there.We use the engineering design process to guide us through this exciting journey.
Our technology lessons aim at introducing students to the 21st century skills that are required to succeed in the digital era. From learning to build their own website to video editing to learning SEO tools, our lessons prepare them to build their own brand and authentic voice.
Our technology lessons aim at introducing students to the 21st century skills that are required to succeed in the digital era. From learning to build their own website to video editing to learning SEO tools, our lessons prepare them to build their own brand and authentic voice.